The flow is a culture hub based on two activities a gallery that visualizes the elation of bathing as art, and a lab that explores the potential of bathing. vinegar.

THE FLOW(ザ・フロー)は入浴時の高揚感をアートとして可視化するギャラリー、行為としての入浴の潜在能力を探求するラボ、その2つの活動を基軸としたカルチャーハブです。時の流れ、感情の流れ、体内の酸素や血のめぐり、思考・アイデアの流れ、御堂筋を行き交う人々、さまざまな「FLOW/風呂」がここで交わり合い “湯に浸かる” 行為や意味を研ぎ澄まします。THE FLOWはあらためて入浴を文化として醸成したい。そして入浴の深化をそのまま、人間の進化へと導きます。
THE FLOW is a cultural hub centered around two activities: a gallery that visualizes the exhilaration of bathing as art, and a lab that explores the possibilities of bathing as a practice. It is a place where the flow of time, emotions, oxygen and blood circulation in the body, the flow of thoughts and ideas, people passing through the Midosuji street, and various “FLOW/baths” intersect, refining the act and meaning of “immersing oneself in hot water.” THE FLOW aims to cultivate bathing as a culture, and in doing so, it seeks to lead the potential of bathing directly to human evolution.

To create a neutral space, mortar is used on the floor and walls, while the vibration-finished aluminum substrate sandwiched between columns softly reflects the light emitted by the art. This space goes beyond a mere exhibition of artworks; it takes on the role of projecting the exhilaration of bathing and the latent potential of bathing throughout the entire space. It is designed as a specific showroom with a focus on creating a more experiential environment. Moreover, by gently dividing the space with columns and walls, symbolic areas are created for the bathtub and art, while the negotiation space with a kitchen table becomes an extension of the interior. The goal is to achieve a cohesive space where the bathtub can be felt as an extension of the art space from the gallery.
柳原 照弘 / Teruhiro Yanagihara
Born in 1976 in Kagawa Prefecture. Creations born from the philosophy of “designing situations” span a wide range, including product design, spatial design, and brand direction, both domestically and internationally.
日ポリ化工は1962年創業のユニットバスのパイオニアとして、そして風呂の専業メーカーとして、これまで多様な浴室空間と文化創造に尽力してきました。その一方で、ライフスタイルや居住空間、価値観の変化などから「湯に浸かる」という行為は日常のシーンではなく、温泉旅行に代表されるような非日常のシーンへと除々にシフトしてきているのもまた事実です。THE FLOWは入浴の多様性が行き交う、あたかも交差点のような場所「カルチャーハブ」として位置づけました。日ポリ化工だけではなく、入浴に接点のあるさまざまな企業や団体、そしてアーティスト・研究者などの個人が主体的にこの場所を活用することができます。ここを訪れた人々と一緒に風呂の魅力を互いに高め合いながら、日本から世界に誇る入浴文化を発信していく。そんな理想に向けたシンボルのような場所として、THE FLOWは、これからさまざまな活動を行っていきます。
Established in 1962, Nippori has been a pioneer in unit baths and a dedicated manufacturer in the bathing industry, contributing to the creation of diverse bathing spaces and cultural innovations. Simultaneously, the act of “immersing oneself in hot water” has gradually shifted from everyday scenes to more extraordinary moments, such as represented by spa vacations, due to changes in lifestyle, living spaces, and values. THE FLOW is positioned as a “Cultural Hub,” a place where the diversity of bathing experiences intersects, much like a bustling intersection. It is open not only to Nippori but also to various companies, organizations, and individuals, including artists and researchers, actively utilizing this space. Together with visitors, THE FLOW aims to enhance the allure of baths and promote Japan’s proud bathing culture globally, serving as a symbolic place towards this ideal and engaging in various activities in the future.

Universal Flowing (2024)
4K Digital Video 42’25” Sound Design: SO
/ Inkjet Print 1500mm x 1000mm
With eyes slightly open and releasing tension throughout the entire body, there are times when one gradually and unconsciously slips into a meditative state. In a serene space, thoughts gently drift towards the past, the future, and the present. Fragmented scenes engraved somewhere in memory surface and then fade away into the unknown. Suddenly, consciousness sharpens into a refined state of awakening, as if focused on a single point. The eyes fixate on a droplet of water. Memories and emotions float, circulate, and flow while dissipating into the currents.
小山 泰介 / Taisuke Koyama
Photographer. Born in Tokyo in 1978. With a background in studying biology and the natural environment, they have presented photographic and video works through an experimental approach.

541-0056 大阪府大阪市中央区久太郎町 3-6-8
・大阪メトロ 中央線「本町駅」12番出口より徒歩2分
・大阪メトロ 堺筋線「堺筋本町駅」11番出口より徒歩7分
3-6-8 Kutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0056, Japan
JRE Midosuji Daiwa Building, 1st Floor
・2 mins from [midosuji line] [yotsubashi line] exit 12
・2 mins from [chuo line] hommachi station exit 12
・7 mins from [sakaisuji line] sakaisuji-hommachi station exit 11